Sunday, August 7, 2011

Humidity sucks. Cars suck. EMBRACE THE SUCK.

Checked out Potomac CrossFit this morning and LOVED it. Tara was the kind of coach I like, but she's not there that often because she actually works in Manhattan during the week. Anyway, this was a big group for a Sunday morning free class, but I was pleasantly surprised that the coach noticed that I've done some WODs before. Now, I don't by any means call myself a CFer...but it was nice to have some experience under my belt.

Then I showed what it's done for me:

A) Warm-up
-- Run 400m
-- 25m butt-kicks, high knees, grapevine, shuffle, etc...alternating w/ 25m jog
B) 4 rounds, for time:
-- 200m run
-- 15 KB swings (35#)
-- 10 sit-ups
-- 10 box jumps (20")
Time: 12:48, rx

I'm pleased to announce that I am no longer completely petrified by box jumps, and I don't COMPLETELY suck at them I guess everything comes in due time. 35# KB swings were apparently impressive for a girl (the CFer that WOD'd with us did 20, so maybe it is, or maybe she was exhausted from "Eva" yesterday)...and I was the fastest girl, not far behind a male CFer and two other guys.

So, why is all of this comparative info important, you ask?! Because it shows me that I'm doing something right. I can hold my own with female CFers and potential male CFers. I also did feel like I had "boundless energy" today, on day 7 of my personal paleo/Whole30 challenge. I assumed I'd just fall in line with all the other potential new CFers, but I didn't...I kicked this WOD's ass, despite crazy humidity and cars in the path of my 400m run. (You were starting to wonder where the title came from, weren't you?!)

Bottom line: I'm proud, and I need to check out District CrossFit, at Tara's recommendation, because I need to find a box that's convenient for me to attend all the time once I move. And that's that - decision made.

Also: Tara said "sometimes you have to EMBRACE THE SUCK," and if I could have signed on the dotted line right then, I would have. Just a thought for those at District. ;-)

**Note: No, Eric and Erich didn't finish. I think it was something about feeling dizzy...and the name thing was (probably) just a coincidence.

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