
Thursday, July 14, 2011


I can't remember the last time I've had this much grain in a three-day period. FOR REAL. Heck, I can't even remember the last time I had a meal containing pasta at all, let alone cooking it for myself.

Pretty sure I'm proving the difference between eating paleo and following "conventional wisdom," just in how I feel about myself. Today for lunch I really just wanted meat and veggies, and then for dinner I just wanted something light. I'm learning one thing for sure through this little part of my experiment: Paleo eating works for me. It just feels "right," and I feel better (outwardly and about myself) when I'm doing it. As a result, I'm actually anxious to convert to paleo full-time just as soon as this crap is gone.

That said, I probably will not be waiting until all the crap is gone. (I can't even put that in quotes is crap.) I threw some things out today because, let's be real: I'm not eating white rice or Pasta Roni anymore...I don't care if I did buy it. Some things are just not appetizing, whatsoever.

The best thing that could happen to me this weekend would be to find a grocery store with one of those food collection barrels at the door. I'd drop my load off at the door and walk on out with just produce and meat.

This is certainly an interesting experiment, huh?!

**WOD 1**
A) Jog to Key Elem (3 blocks)
B) AMRAP, 15 mins
-- Shuttle run (switch to double SR in 6th round to get some arm rest)
-- 25 push-ups (knee)
-- 10 squat jumps
Completed: 10 rounds + 2 SRs
C) Light jog back from Key

**WOD 2**
Endurance sets, with app:
-- Squats (28-26-28-32-30-26-24-26 = 220, 1 min rest)
-- Sit-ups (22-22-26-24-19 = 113, 1 min rest)
-- Push-ups (17-16-19-18-19-18-19-17 = 143, 75 sec rest)

1 comment:

  1. Im starting paleo tomorrow full time...fuck this! Im bloated, don't feel as strong, and have killer cravings due to insulin spiking...ugh! Cravings or not...not giving in!
