
About Paleo/Primal

Here are some of my favorite links about the paleo/primal diet and lifestyle:

Paleo/Primal Resources:
Mark's Daily Apple -- Many great fitness and nutrition "primers" and basics about the "primal" lifestyle. Also love his book: The Primal Blueprint, by Mark Sisson.
Everyday Paleo -- I love this for SO many reasons, but mainly because it's PRACTICAL, both for singles and families. I especially love the recipes. (Yes, Sarah's book by the same name is great, too!)
Paleo "Cheat Sheet" from -- A quick guide to the paleo lifestyle...and a blog full of resources and recipes.

Blogs I draw inspiration from:
The Paleo Project -- Jenna's blog
LiveLegit -- Nina's blog
CrossFit TSAC -- CrossFit affiliate in Torrance, CA. Matt is a great guy with a lot of knowledge and gave me my first CrossFit experience...I "embraced the suck" and got addicted. Thanks, Matt!